
What Is Dopamine Detox And Why You Should Try It?

Dopamine is also a compound known as neurotransmitter; it has the role of controlling motivation, focus, attention, learning as well as the feel good factor or the feelings of reward. However, as we can analyze, in the contemporary world, which is built around a computer and the internet, numerous things, which we intersect daily, stimulate neurons of dopamine inappropriately.A ‘dopamine fast’ is a contract with oneself not to consume stimuli that generate the feelgood molecules with the aim of bringing dopamine levels back to their relative equilibrium.

What does Dopamine Detox mean?

A lot of people in the recent past have come across the term dopamine detox also known as a dopamine fast which is sort of a period of time in which a person consciously avoids activities and things that artificially stimulate dopamine in the brain. This includes things like:

  • Most social sites (facebook, Instagram, twitter, tiktok and others)
  • Web browsing
  • Watching videos/movies/TV shows
  • Playing video games
  • Consuming foods which contain high content of sugar or fats
  • Drinking alcohol or caffeine containing products

In other words, it is an effort to reset or, at least, cleanse the dopamine reward center in your brain. The purpose is to break the momentum of a negative attitude towards one’s self, body, work, or whatever else and have a chance to recharge, wash off the negativity, start anew, and return to a more positive mental state.

In turn, it is not about who is to blame – dopamine or its effects they have observed on people. Dopamine is the most famous neurotransmitter among all the natural neurotransmitters in the human brain and many of these activities can be done within moderation to achieve a healthy lifestyle.

However, when we have got almost all that activates the dopamine system available throughout the day & night, this system gets out of order.But in the long-run, this weakens dopamine receptors meaning that one loses focus and cannot fully appreciate simple things.

A pause actually allows getting back the sensitivity, which is very important in being mindful of the patient. This perpetuates the cycle of wanting and craving rather than being able to simply enjoy the little things in life that are in front of you.

Why Take a Dopamine Detox? The Benefits

There are many excellent reasons you may want to give a dopamine detox a try:

Boosts Motivation

 If you have been lazy around or listless and feeling more than half the time like just staying in bed, you’ll find that a dopamine fast will return you to your proper state. It has been pointed out that dopamine plays a role in modulating drive, attention and motivation in goal directed behavior.

Improves Concentration and Retention

That’s why too much stimulation leads to a decrease in the duration of attention. Taking a break helps the prefrontal cortex make it stronger, and boosts your ability to concentrate deeply.

Increase Sensitivity to Rewards

It is about getting one’s sensitivity back to natural healthy rewards versus requiring constant artificial super-normal rewards.

Reduces Addictive Behaviors

When it comes to those with addictions or specific compulsions, such as gaming, gambling, or pornography use, a detox can rein in these vices.

Increases Energy Levels and Reduces Mental Fuzziness

Dopamine is one of those neurotransmitters that in large amounts can give you the ‘fog’, they make you feel empty. It is true that taking a break can help to come back with vibrancy, clarity and energy.

Improves Sleep Quality

Reduced dopamine production during night helps the body get ready for regenerative sleep.

Enhances Creativity

Looking at a screen with the eyes closed improves oxygenation of the prefrontal cortex which is the core of creative activity and decision making.

Promotes Mindfulness and Presence

Being away from artificial distractions strengthens presence and helps to regain the ability to appreciate the essence of life and every moment.

Strengthens Self-Discipline

As one gets to practice exercising his or her self control to regulate behaviors, it strengthens the self mastery muscle thus sustaining one.

The time period on how long one should stay on a dopamine detox plan can be flexible depending on various factors and preferences. Usually, it takes at least a day to get a good ‘reset’, depending on the type of work done. But 2-7 days is optimum so that you give your dopamine receptors enough time to up-regulate and get the most benefits.

To others, it may seem impossible to start with the full detox right away without compromising. Then you may start with devoting a part of the day free from distracting stimuli to gradually build up to the practice. Moreover, some individuals decide to conduct occasional maintenance cleanse even after going through the primary cleanse.

It is more about finding better balance and intentionality in how one interacts with things that stimulate dopamine production.

Dopamine Detox Rules and Procedure

When you are detoxing it means you must also refrain not only from things I mentioned before like media, games and unhealthy foods but also from all other unnatural stimuli and all potential dopamine triggers.

Which means no audio, no podcasts, no sexually explicit material, no shopping, and no shopping applications, no distracting conversations, and no other stimuli. Let your thoughts calm down and spend some time alone.

Essential Rules:

  • Absolutely no use of any kind of electronic devices such as tablets, laptops, computers, televisions, etc: However, if it is extremely necessary, brief phone conversation or/and short text messages are allowed.
  • This means, and I have to write this in capitals, no television, no video games, no YouTube videos, no music, no podcasts.
  • Only web browsing, no social media, no chatting, no shopping, etc.
  • No smoking, alcohol, recreational drugs or fapping.
  • This means no more junk foods, processed foods and foods with traces of sugar and caffeine.

In addition to removing triggering stimuli, actively incorporate these restorative elements:

  • Engage in activities that involve the natural environment
  • Perform activities that do not strain muscles such as walking, yoga or stretching.
  • Allow your senses to take a break from man-made enhancements
  • In practice, we remain still, keep our mouths shut and focus on our breath.
  • Hydrate yourself and take a lot of clean meals that contain wholesome foods.
  • High quality rest and sleep should be taken on a regular basis.
  • Reflect through journaling

To summarize the basic procedure:

  1. Once you decide to meditate, set an intention and determine how long you will practice.
  2. Eliminate stimuli and distractions
  3. Incorporate restorative activities
  4. Through urge waves, learn how to cope as follows:
  5. Contemplate on what has been learned and accomplished
  6. Ease back into the modern world slowly and with intention.

What You Should Know About Dopamine Detoxing

In its essence, dopamine fasting is easy, but, in practice, it may not be easy at all. Withdrawing from the substance that your brain and body usually rely on, especially from addictive behaviors, leads to withdrawal-like effects.

Just to be mentally ready and to have some assumption of what to expect makes it easier to deal with the situation. On the positive side, know that, although those symptoms can be painful at times, they are only temporary and are generally worth enduring to get that clear head at the end of the day.

Common Challenges When Dopamine Detoxing:

Cravings and Urges

You may feel very much compelled to practice learned behaviors. Passively let things come into awareness but do not engage in the inclination to react. In the same way, it will also subside soon like a wave.

Headaches and Brain Fog

Migraines stem from constriction of blood vessels due to reduction in dopamine. Drink fluids and relax to minimize pain until it subsides.

Low Energy and Fatigue

Lack of the dopamine energizer might make the body sluggish and feel heavy. Neutralize by taking a break, going out for a walk or doing some light exercise such as walking or gentle yoga when possible. The drop comes before the climb!

Difficult Emotions

There may be a current reality which you find normal, uninteresting, or you will experience a flood of uncomfortable feelings soon which are masked by numbing. Divert attention to the present time. This too shall pass.

Restlessness and Boredom

It is always true that people will take time to change their old ways of doing things. It can feel a bit awkward and uneasy to remain seated with no conversation going on. Learn to appreciate the ordinariness of life and find tiny sources of happiness in moments that are free from seeking synthetic gratification. In the near future, you will start experiencing inner harmony and satisfaction.


If you have less dopamine you may be able to easily wake up and go to sleep which is quite natural. Avoid vigorous activities such as exercising, working on a laptop, or playing video games right before going to bed since it prepares your body for work instead of rest.

Lack of Motivation & Apathy

At first, you may lack motivation and feel bored, which is why you need some stimuli that drive you forward. Sustain yourself and move beyond the decrease in motivation that occurs before increased motivation returns after your break.

While it may be hard to endure, continue to adhere to your decision because these withdrawal symptoms indicate that your brain is readjusting. This necessary difficulty tills the ground for new seeds of clarity to germinate through.

Different Strategies for Achieving Success While on Dopamine Detox

Here are some key guidelines which can help you succeed and make it through your detox:

  • Sometimes, accept discomfort will emerge as part of the process. Instead of fighting impulses as well as challenging emotions, it is possible to let them be and accept the fact that everything is transient.
  • Engage in restorative leisure activities such as; Going for a walk, light jogging, gardening, pondering, writing, journaling or other forms of social interaction.
  • When you are stressed, put your attention on counting the breaths, walking, or any other activity to help you become aware of the present time.
  • When you find yourself reverting to old habits or engaging in autopilot behavior, kindly remind yourself of the detox commitment instead of getting carried away. Progress not perfection!
  • When an urge wave comes, try to visualize yourself surfing the top of the wave without falling off till the wave recedes gracefully. Urges lose power over you when you stop resisting.
  • It is also important to drink a lot of water and eat healthy foods so your body is well fed during this period of cleansing.
  • Ensure you get enough quality sleep and rest without the use of substances that help one to sleep. Natural sleep facilitates rebooting.
  • It is better to search for healthier equivalents for rewards such as going out for a walk, positive interaction with friends or watching an amusing film.
  • Engage in creative thinking and reflection by keeping a diary, practicing meditation or having a peaceful walk in the park.
  • Consider enlisting a dopamine detox buddy to help you through the process and to ensure that you both stick with it. Share tips and encouragement!
  • On this journey of the soul as well as an empowering process be gentle with yourself. The more gentle toward ourselves we are, the more potential we have for change.

How Long Does it Take to Reset Your Dopamine?

Neurochemistry and habits are developed over years and decades. Fortunately for the human mind, the brain has the ability to adapt and heal when provided with the necessary environment. Instead, a significant dopamine reset can be started just in 24-48 hours!

The benefits gained during detoxing rise and accumulate with each day that you spend on the procedure. For best results, downregulation of dopamine receptors should be allowed to be cleared completely, which would require 5-7 days.

Of course, rebooting does not stop after your detox is over, but you have to be very careful and avoid those things that you have eliminated from your diet. As with the case of other addictive substances, it is better to learn how to consciously regulate consumption of dopamine-spiking stimuli in the long term to avoid the need of such an extreme elimination diet in the future. With developed self-observation, it is possible to prevent overeating at certain moments, as well as to perform short fasts occasionally.

Symptoms associated with low levels of dopamine

While dopamine fasting temporarily and intentionally lower dopamine levels, there are many signs and symptoms indicating chronically deficient dopamine separate from an intentional detox which warrant medical attention:While dopamine fasting temporarily and intentionally lower dopamine levels, there are many signs and symptoms indicating chronically deficient dopamine separate from an intentional detox which warrant medical attention:

  • Lower motivation, drive and concentration
  • Stress, lack of energy and tiredness
  • Hysteria, or depression
  • Some symptoms such as confusion or difficulty in remembering information.
  • Muscle cramps, shakes or twitches
  • These symptoms may include loss of appetite and changes in weight.
  • Addiction and cravings
  • Inability experiencing joy and pleasure

If suffering from several of these symptoms where the symptoms are unrelieved for weeks, see your doctor so that you exclude any other underlying diseases that may lead to low dopamine production such as thyroid diseases, adrenal fatigue, cardiovascular diseases, Parkinson’s diseases and certain nutritional deficiencies.

What Must One Avoid While on a Dopamine Detox

Here is a consolidated list of stimuli and behaviors to abstain from while dopamine detoxing:

  • Television and other electronic gadgets (other than brief necessary uses)
  • Social media apps
  • Browsing the internet and purchasing online.
  • TV series, films, YouTube
  • Video games
  • Music, Podcasts, audio books
  • Nicotine, vaping, cigarettes
  • Alcohol  and Recreational Drugs
  • Foods that contain a high amount of sugar and those that are processed.
  • Caffeine
  • Sexual stimulation and pornography 

This is not meant to vilify behaviors that can certainly be appropriate to engage in at various times and in specific circumstances. The goal here is not to eliminate the stimulating activities that hijack your dopamine system but to disengage from them briefly to get back to a healthy level of engagement. Being able to learn how to consume consciously helps in avoiding such a need for an intense cleanse.

Side Effects of High Dopamine Levels

However, like dopamine fasting, it is also unadvisable to have Dopamine levels high for a long time besides the short-term fasts, as it can cause more harm than good.

Symptoms of chronic high dopamine include:

  • Insomnia
  • Anxiety, panic attacks, or paranoia
  • Palpitation, hypertension
  • Impulsivity and addiction Another aspect of BPD that can affect intimate relationships is the impulsive behavior of the affected individual.
  • ADHD signs include hyperactivity and poor concentration.
  •  In terms of motor symptoms, patients may experience dizziness, tremors, or tics.
  • Headache, dizziness or nausea and vomiting and abdomen pain
  • Hallucinations or psychosis

To sum up, in case of getting even more severe side effects of possible high dopamine, it is necessary to consult a doctor for treatment and further examination.

If any health issues are eliminated, then avoiding any provocation along with stress management, sleep, correct nutrition, meditating, and moderate exercise can help bring dopamine back to normal levels. Achieving sustainable and balanced heath is the ultimate objective in the long run.

Proven benefits of dopamine detox

Dopamine detox, also known as dopamine fasting, is the practice of abstaining from stimulating activities and technology to reduce dopamine levels. The Proven Benefits

Yes, I did my research and it is safe and even advisable to fast or detox the dopamine system but only when done consciously and for a short period, not exceeding one week.

Potential benefits include:

  • Enhances drive, motivation and concentration
  • Heightens decision-making abilities
  • Reduces the instances and tendencies of the addiction.
  • Reduces symptoms of anxiety, irritability, and aggressive behaviors.
  • Enhances capacity to focus
  • Makes it easier to notice even small gains
  • Relieves depression and helps improve mood
  • Enhances memory, learning and other mental processes.
  • Enhances the development and functionality of neurons
  • Re-patterns behavior and willpower
  • Increases the sphere, awareness and satisfaction
  • Enhances creative thinking and problem-solving skills.
  • Enhance relationship and closeness of the affectionate kind

Of course, benefits depend heavily on the transition to a sustainable balanced diet post-detox rather than returning to excessive consumption. It is important to use the fresh perspectives and the experience from this process to make changes consciously.

Is Dopamine Fasting Real Science?

Yes, numerous studies also confirm the above-mentioned negative effects of overstimulation of dopamine receptors and positive effects of long and frequent vacations in the regulation of dopamine receptors.

Research shows how excessive stimulation of dopamine yields increased activity within the addictive circuit and reduced neuronal output. Fasting research on the other hand shows how removing triggers is able to restore receptors and enhance motivation, focus, learning and mood through the regulation of dopamine.

Thus, while the research points to the benefits of structured periods of time when one cannot experience the spike in dopamine level, it is impossible to sustain this regime in the long run and it is detrimental to health. The idea is to achieve a balance of moderation to the extreme.

If you use your temporary detox to learn about the toxic patterns of dependence and gain deeper understanding of yourself and your emotions as well as practice better self-control and conscious decision-making in the future regarding the activities that release dopamine in your brain, then yes, you should consider it to be a valuable tool.

Closing Thoughts

In our high stimulating digital age, ethanol branching because of elevated dopamine levels is also a usual occurrence. Nearly a year and characteristics including lack of concentration, motivation, and the cardinal feature of addiction suggest that it is time for an extended dopamine fast.

Pledging to deliberately avoid behaviors and substances raising this pleasure-producing neurotransmitter creates the perfect environment in which to rebalance the sensitivity of receptors, repair the lowered down and rejuvenate the overall cellular renewal of the brain’s reward pathways.

However, many of our contemporary comforts one may try to remove even for a little while, and while it is rather easy to say, it may be quite challenging to do really, the feeling and understanding that one gets after enduring the discomfort is absolutely priceless.

When you are done with your dopamine fast and want to be more balanced and conscientious, it helps you avoid the need to engage in such an extreme measure while being able to continue enjoying life’s pleasures.

Therefore when you are in an apathetic state, your mind wandering, dependent or simply out of sorts, perhaps it might be time to temporarily step away from the dopamine high and recapture clarity in order to regain the capability of consciously designing the life you desire.

The final power is the power of presence, of mastering oneself and of understanding the mind and its nature and does not lie in seeking temporary and superficial happiness from the outside world. This process of empowerment and awakening is efficiently fast-tracked by a dopamine detox.


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