Why Lemon Water Is the Perfect Start to Your Day?

Lemon water is probably one of the most popular beverages taken in the morning because of the health implication that is normally associated with it. Lemon water in the Morning Benefits of drinking water with the juice of a lemon in the morning include replenishing the body fluids, having a source of vitamin C, improving the skin complexion, aiding the digestive system and bowel movement, boosting the energy and also assisting in the burning of excess fats thus aiding in the reduction of weight.

Why is drinking lemon water early in the morning one of the best things?

Find out why taking lemon water early in the morning is one of the best things that can ever happen to you and how it can assist you in making your morning perfect.

This is so because most people wake up in the morning after a full night’s rest feeling thirsty, therefore, making it necessary to replace the body fluids.

After taking a glass of warm or hot water with lemon is that it refills the body with water that is lost. After a full night’s sleep, your body misses out on taking fluids for about 6 – 8 hours and sometimes even more and it has to be replenished as soon as possible.

Drinking water when you wake up relieves morning stiffness, enhances brain activity and focus, aids in waste elimination and many more benefits. Any liquid consumed in the morning providing a quantity of between 20 to 32 ounces is adequate to help begin the process of re-hydration for the whole day.This is bad news for the drink because adding lemon in the preparation of the drink is even healthier (and yummy) for the body.

Does lemon water help in the Strengthening of the Immune System?

Lemon water serves the body with lots of water and quite enough vitamin C for the boost of immunity especially in the morning. Half a medium lemon will provide more than 30mg of vitamin C, reducing the quantity needed to excrete as well as reducing the load of on average ⅓ of the vitamin C load for young women and ¼ of it for young men daily.

Before proceeding it is worthy to highlight that Vitamin C is an essential nutrient in the immune system. It assists in the formation of white blood cells of your body which has the responsibility of combating infections and diseases.Since vitamin C has anti-oxidative properties and helps to minimize inflammation, it is vital to get the optimal daily dosage for health improvement. Drinking water with lemon in the morning allows you to begin fulfilling your requirement right from the morning.

Does lemon water help prevent Abdominal Bloating?

Based on the article, if one is a regular sufferer of abdominal bloating, taking warm lemon water first thing in the morning will likely help. There is some evidence that lemon’s highly acidic, citric acid may assist your body’s digestive process to make the next day easier if you consumed any gases producings foods the previous day. The citric acid may also interact with the digestive enzymes possibly assisting in the better digestion of some constituents.

Lemon may also aid in the relaxation of the cardinal or the ring-like muscle known as the lower esophageal sphincter which separates the stomach from the esophagus. It enables the release of gases through belching or farting, thus helping to reduce pressure, inflammation and pain. So, lemon water should also be effective in reducing bloating because your body will be more capable of digesting unhealthy foods and freeing up carbonated intestinal gas in the morning.

Lemon water aids in digestion of foods 

Drinking warm lemon water as soon as you wake up may also assist in stimulating digestion and bowel movements to ensure your daily digestive system is in order. The warm water used in preparing the lemon juice together with the citric acid assists with secretion as well as motor activities in your gastrointestinal system.

This is aimed at increasing the secretion of gastric enzymes to enhance digestion and accelerating peristalsis in the intestine. The final benefits are more frequent, proper and less problematic bowel movements and less problems with constipation, diarrhea, gases and abdominal pain after eating.

Is It Safe to Consume Lemon Water Before a Meal?

Most proponents of morning lemon water suggest that one should take it as soon as they wake up – before they brush their teeth, take vitamins/medications, or eat. There are some foods that should not be taken together with lemon water because the mixture may change the pH level in the mouth making it acidic.

But studies indicate that though the application of lemon juice indeed reduces the pH levels in the mouth after a drink, this is extremely temporary. The saliva plays an essential role of balancing the pH of your mouth within a very short time. Therefore, if you wait for even 5 minutes before eating, it has no adverse effects on teeth or other problems. But do not drink anything, immediately after taking it, to allow some time before taking other foods or beverages.

Lemon water gives you a burst of energy for full day

That first cup of coffee does more than just provide an energy boost in the morning. The caffeine does enhance wakefulness, speed, coordination, and concentration after a sleepy morning wake-up. Fortunately, lemon water has the same effect to help you get the alert first thing in the morning.

Having a hot or cold glass of lemon water as soon as you get up in the morning assists in enhancing lucid concentration. Like caffeine, lemon water causes nerve stimulation that leads to the activation of the sympathetic nervous system. This reduces any morning sluggishness and tiredness to make you have the feeling of being fully prepared to face the day ahead.

Lemon water supports Weight Loss Efforts

Drinking lemon water in the morning is also a good thing to avoid because it is a low calorie beverage that can propel your body towards weight loss rather than weight gain. Soft drinks alone contribute to 10% of the total calorie intake by adults in America, while beverages in general contribute to 20%. Excluding high calorie bearing foods like fruit juice each having 150+ calories per cup and replacing it with near calorie-less lemon water each having 15 calories per cup makes sure you are not undermining your breakfast from the very beginning.

Lemon water may also help in weight loss in other ways such as enhancing the sensitivity of insulin, increasing the rate at which fats are burned and reducing appetite. Lemon contains substances that impact blood sugar levels and hormones that control fat deposition and appetite. It can thus be seen that such steady regulation of insulin, ghrelin, and leptin can help to maintain weight loss over a long period.

Lemon water treats Dryness of the Mouth and Thirst

Do you sometimes wake up with the impression that there is cotton in your mouth? That uncomfortable dry, cottony feeling is all too familiar and referred to as xerostomia or dry mouth. Thankfully, there is a simple fix for that embarrassment of having dry mouth first thing in the morning; you have to make it a point to take a tall glass of warm water with lemon in the morning.

Lemon water is a good fluid which is capable of providing moisture to the tissues in your mouth and throat. Moreover, increasing the level of dissolved substances such as water and citric acid also increases the rate of saliva production, thus eliminating that feeling of thirst, or that dry mouth despite drinking so much.

Lemon water is effective in reducing respiratory problems 

Lemon water also contains high vitamin C content, antimicrobial activity and as an anti-inflammatory agent, it can help calm other throat related problems such as sore throat, nasal congestion, sinus pressure and the likes.

It stabilizes histamine levels that cause undesirable seasonal allergy manifestations such as cough and sore throat. The mineral also thins mucus, clears airways, and addresses the bacterial and viral infections that cause sinus pressure, ear infection, chest colds, and bronchial infection.

Lemon water evens out the skin tone and enhances skin texture

Beginning your morning habit with a glass of lemon water may be what you need to achieve that flawless skin you have always desired. Lemons contain skin preserving vitamin C which shields your skin from UV radiation, smog and other environmental factors that cause skin aging in the long run.

Drinking lemon water also reduces the chances of having wrinkles and fine lines because vitamin C helps in the production of collagen that tightens your skin. It is a natural way of removing the build-up of dead skin and therefore making skin appear brighter and smoother because citric acid functions as a natural cleanser. The peels also have antioxidant compounds that can reduce dark spots and restore skin brightness and uniformity over time.

Lemon water freshens Breath Naturally

Morning breath can give off a wrong signal for the rest of the day. Fortunately, having a cup of lemon water as soon as one wakes up assists in eliminating the odor-causing bacteria present in the mouth due to stagnated saliva at night. The antibacterial action benefits you in the sense that your breath will be fresh without having to use mints, mouthwash, or even brushing your teeth (though you should brush well).

Many of the bacteria inhibiting effects on your oral microbiome only last for several hours after lemon water has been consumed. Plain water has a relatively mild effect, but citric acid is antibacterial – thus, lemon has a significant advantage. The tart, acidic taste also helps in stimulating our saliva production which results in improved mouth hygiene many hours after taking the lemon water.

Lemon water is good for overall health

As you can see, drinking this simple glass of warm lemon water in the morning is clearly very beneficial for your body. Now, most of these benefits are minor or incremental in nature, but they are real and cumulatively they have a meaningful impact. The beauty of lemon water is that though basic, it may bring about significant changes in the long run.

Creating health habits right from the start of the day sets the pace on how the entire day will pan out rather than the other way round. So adopt this simple and effective practice that has positive effects on almost all aspects of human physiology including drinking water, digestive health, immune system, lung function, skin complexion, management of weight, oral health, energy levels and so on. And before you know it, you will be awake, slim, youthful, and healthy to enable you to achieve your dreams.


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