The Ultimate Guide to Self-Performed Lymphatic Drainage Massage

Lymphatic drainage massage  is relatively mild and involved on a turning movement in the direction of the heart hence enhancing the powering of the lymph in the body.The other minor functions they accomplish is that they act as highways of the body and are responsible for carrying waste products and toxins out of the tissues besides playing an immunity role. If this build up occurs the paths for the flow of the fluid are hindered and lymphedema is the result, usually swelling of the limbs. Manual touching of the skin also assists in performing the movement of that fluid which would be helpful in the treatment of mild swellings and bodily healing processes of a body entangled in an injury or surgery.

Benefits of Lymphatic drainage massage 

It is taken part in circulation of the lymphatic system which is helpful in fighting off inflammation and in elimination of any undesired materials in the tissues.

Maintain general health of the immune system by circulation of Lymphocytes.Helps treat illnesses such as cancer or surgery that affects the lymphatic system or injury in this system.

Helps to manage oedema and lower the quantity of fluid in the tissues

Reduces points and bags on the face, nourishes the skin, and enhances the skin tone.

Reduces pain and inflammation which may be resulted from swelling

Loosens rigor, spasms, contracted tissues, and joints.

Creates general relaxation and enhanced perception of health.

How the Lymph System works

The primary functions of the Lymph System include transport of the lymph from tissues and elimination of waste products, toxins, damaged cells, parasites, bacteria & viruses and excess fluid from the body. Lymph is a fluid that circulates within the body through the lymphatic vessels which belong to the lymphatic system. If tissues become inflamed, then some of the upstream lymph nodes also become swollen. Lymph nodes are small, bean shaped structures bearing immune cells located beside the lymphatic vessels that filter the lymph fluid and hold invading pathogens, and exchange waste products into blood.

Lymph moves through lymph nodes, where it is filtered and then drains into the bloodstream through vessels called lymphatic ducts. Lymph has no pump like the circulatory system (heart) as it has been described earlier. However, movement takes place by the action in which the tissues compress the lymphatic vessels each time muscles contract the vessels, during breathing, and through massage that makes the lymph fluid flow. The lymph also moves unidirectional because the vessels contain valves that open in one direction and close immediately. If circulation is restricted, various symptoms like edema, congestion may occur in that part of the body. Lymphatic skin massage is a very good way to reinforce the circulation of the lymph and, at one and the same time, to do away with swelling, too.

Lymphatic drainage massage for patients 

Lymphatic drainage massage may be used when edema or built up fluid is present:treatment when stasis, or accumulated fluids are present:

– Lymphedema is the Medical name for swelling in the limbs 

– Pain: after the removal of the breast,/chest, breast,chest, arm, and shoulder lymph nodes

– The complication could include post-surgery swelling and scar formation of the area that was operated on.

– Inflammation due to a pathologic process, infection, or injury

– Recovery from fracture that causes the buildup of fluid in the damaged tissues

– Recovery from sports injuries that involved deep cuts, twists and damages to the lymph vessels

– Edema of facial area because of allergies, sinusitis and headache

– Swelling as a result of inadequate lymph circulation, causing puffiness or swelling beneath and around the eyes, particularly as people age

– Fibromyalgia: This to be the test of inflammation and stiffness of joints that especially prevail in the Morning after exercise.

Circumstances where Lymphatic drainage massage should be avoided

Despite these benefits, there are circumstances that should not be an appropriate time for the Lymphatic drainage massage and these comprises of the following:

– Sometimes the area is inflamed or infected

– In the bloodstream there are clots (which can move, with the possibility to block a smaller vessel).

– The patient has congestive cardiac failure or other severe cardiovascular diseases

– There are some injuries in this region and they vary from severe to moderate.

– The patient has some forms of cancer such as lymphoma (ask doctor first)

However, before you try the lymphatic drainage massage to your body, you should seek your GP advice whether it will be suitable for you depending on your health status.

Prepare for the Self Lymphatic drainage massage

  1. The amount of time required to complete the massage depends on the number of muscles to be treated but it is advisable to plan for one session to take at least 30 minutes.
  2. The location should be quiet, relaxed, and the temperature of the room should be suitable for the patient with dim light conditions.
  3. Ensure that the recipient is dressed comfortably and either can move around in the clothes or cover themselves with the clothes properly for the act.
  4. It is recommended to utilize several pillows or cushions in order to prevent deformations and make the body positioned as comfortably as possible during massage. Ensure you place pillows under the neck and knees, cover the face and use a pillow for the elbows.
  5. Massagers should ensure that there are available blankets in case the receiver feels cold during or after the massage. The stimulation can bring some people to cool down.
  6. The medicine in the form of oil, cream or lotion used to address skin ailments must be applied over the areas of the body that are going to be exercised or trained. Furthermore, one has to refrain from using the dense, oily moisturizers such as cocoa or shea butters if one wants a big, puffy final appearance.
  7. Approach the massage slowly and with minimal pressure as the lymphatic system might take time to respond and circulate.
  8. Sustain the focus and keep the body composed during the massage, breathing through the diaphragm. This encourages lymph flow.
  9. It is also important to be in touch with the receiver to know if the pressure added needs to be adjusted or not.

Lymphatic drainage massage crucial orders in ensuring appropriate result

The lymphatic drainage massage copies the functionality of the lymphatic system through creating circular paths of movements that start from the center of the body. It is always recommended to move from the superficial layer to the deeper layer while removing the lymph nodes or vessels. Yet, it should not be ticklish or uncomfortable where a small amount of light pressure is applied. The pressure assists in the movement of the fluid contained without necessarily having to cause inflammation. Utilize these basic massage sequences from center out:

Head and Neck Sequence

The head and neck sequence starts from the chest and the collar bones in the area between the outer end of the breastbone. Gently rub the pads of the fingertips in circular clockwise motions across the upper chest and front and side of the neck, above the ears, and across the scalp working from the center outward. Wipe clockwise circles with the palm of the hand, as big as the surface of a quarter, and repeat each circular area 10-15 times before proceeding to the next circle.

Facial Sequence

The facial sequence starts again from the collar bone and the rolling pin is used to make circular pressure on the jaw line and then slide up to Chin, Lower cheek, under the eyes and across the bridge of the nose. Performing the circles, do this 5-10 times in each location, gradually moving slower at the temples, forehead, and scalp area. This assists in the reduction of fatigued looking eyes, reduced eye and facial swelling and even tension headaches.

Torso Sequence

The torso sequence starts with circular kneading over the sternum a little above the breast, or the breast bone, and then moving upwards over the collarbone and the shoulder, followed by the inner part of the underarm and then down over the curve of the bra line or the waist line over the lower ribs in circular pumping motions about the size of a quarter. Do this several times over the chest, abdomen and back, then proceed to other areas of the body.

Arm Sequence

The sequence for the arms starts with slightly pressing with the pads of the fingers near the part of the arm that has lymph nodes, in the armpit region. Use long, mild gliding movements or circular motions starting at the axillary area and moving down to the wrist region. Repeat on the top side of the forearm to the middle of the fingertip. From the armpit to the fingertips, on the tricep side, move with sweeping motions down to the wrist and back of the hand.

Leg Sequence

It is advisable to start the sequence for the legs just above the inner thigh muscles over the femoral lymph nodes, which are located behind the groove. Apply very light pressure and massage in circles starting at the inner thigh moving over the knee, along the inner calf, and across the ankle finishing on the top of the foot. Perform the kneading pumping motion in up and down strokes along the back of the thigh, behind the knee, down to the calf and heel of the foot.

Finishing the Massage

Once you perform a cycle or a sequence on one side of the body from the head down to the toes, do the same cycle or sequence on the opposite side of the body as well. End the lymphatic drainage massage with319 the hands placed gently on the abdomen to help the recipient breathe deeply. Let the receiver take some time to get up and start walking about before standing since the treatment might make him/her dizzy. After treatment the recipient should be advised to increase his water intake in order to help the lymph system. Side effects may persist for the next 1-3 days so it is better to avoid overexerting yourself.

Self massage of the face

Facial lymphatic drainage can be done at home by the individual a couple of times a week to achieve the best results. This can be done by placing the chair at an appropriate position with understandable head and neck support. Put both hands below the ears with the fingers pointing backwards towards the chin, and both palms flat against the face. With fingers tips, glide in a clockwise or anti-clockwise manner across the lower face with first pads of fingers. By pulling from the jaw line right up to the temples and back in a series moving rhythmically for up to 5 minutes helps to enhance circulation and drainage.

Then spread fingertips of both hands and put them on the forehead with fingers downwards over the bridge of nose, and then draw circles with fingertips of both palms over both temples and eyes. Cycling should continue over the eyebrows and downwards along the sides of the nose for another five minutes for sinus and eye puffiness.

Put the hands on the closed eyelids and take a full one minute breath and let the fluid you circulated drop. Take a glass of water after facial massage treatment.

Tips and Techniques for Massaging the Limbs

To do self lymphatic drainage technique on your legs, sit with your leg straight placed on an elevated pillow. Begin at the point slightly below and at the back of the inner knee near the popliteal crease. With the flat palm of the opposite hand, move the palm firmly up the inner thigh towards the groin area along the lymphatic direction which comes in long sweeping movements. Apply mild pressure. Repetition of sweep has to be done 10 times in slow motion. Lower your leg to the ankle and draw 10 long strokes in the direction of the lymph nodes up the calf along the line of the lymph vessel. This is why one has to bend the knee to make comfortable access. Switch legs.

For the arms, sit close to the side of the chair and bring the dominant hand onto the armrest or on a cushion, with the palm facing up. On the other hand, stroke the palm on the wrist crease and move the hand along the forearm in the armpit direction, taking about 10 long strokes at the inside of the arm. Perform sweeping of the bicep with 5 strokes each time. Rotate arm palm down and drag it for long strokes up the tricep area approximately 5 trials each. Switch arms.


Lymphatic drainage massage helps to maintain proper fluid distribution and blood circulation, and is performed with fluid, squeezing motions that mimic the actions of the lymphatic system’s vessels to establish pathways for removal of the fluid. The pressure that is applied when capturing the shots and the mode of operation should be done carefully to avoid causing harm. Self massage thus gives a person a chance to work on specific problem zones daily and boost immunity. Go and see a certified lymphatic therapist to have appointments for those who have chronic edema and begin the journey towards longevity.


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