How to Get Rid of Acne Scars? According to Experts

Acne scar is not only an issue, it may also lead to loss of self esteem all because of skin.Luckily, there are so many treatments that are relatively helpful when it comes to healing of acne scars as well as the beautification of the skin.Whether an individual has at-home treatment or a clinical treatment, dermatologists have many choices to offer. Keep on reading to discover what leads to formation of acne scars, how acne scars are different from acne marks, simple home remedies for treatment of acne scars, professional dermatology treatments, and how to avoid scarring in the first place. Consistency and the right treatments for your acne-prone skin type mean that the marks left by previous acne outbreaks can be minimized and, in most cases, significantly faded.

What are Acne scars?

Acne scars are simply the marks that are left behind by acne and this is the process through which it forms.

Acne scars are formed when acne lesions are severe to impact the skin in a manner that leads to collagen deposition. Collagen is also involved in the structure, texture and elasticity of the skin. When secreted in excess or in insufficient quantity due to inflammation, it brings about irregular textures and pitted surfaces.

Common causes of Acne scars

The most common causes of acne scarring are:

  • Cystic Acne Lesions: These are those that occur at the dermal layer and are detrimental in as far as they are in existence.It is when they rupture and release the debris that cause inflammation and changes in collagen.
  • Picking at Pimples: Popping or picking can cause more damage by extending the bacterial penetration deeper into the skin leading to more inflammation.
  • Slow Healing Blemishes: Healing acne lesions are more likely to result in textural changes and pitted scars in the skin.

This means that the location of the acne also determines the degree of scarring that the skin will have. The cheeks, temples, jawline, and back are more susceptible to creating deep-set keloid scars.The face is more vulnerable because in comparison to other groups of skin it has the larger concentration of sebaceous glands. Also, hormonal changes at puberty increase production of oil in these glands and thus feed the bacteria that cause acne.

Difference between Acne scars and Acne marks

Acne scars and acne marks are two different things though both of them are residual blemishes left after a breakout session.

 Acne Scars:

Formation of sulci and other imperfections in the skin produced from the inflammation and collagen skin destruction. Atrophic scars look like indented areas of skin while hypertrophic and keloid scars look like they are elevated above the skin.

Acne Marks:

Smooth, red or brownish patches which surface when an enraged pimple begins to heal. They are post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation marks left behind by inflamed pimples. The top layer of skin cells die and shed, taking with them melanin in the form of dark spots. Pimples scars, which are a result of previous acne outbreaks, become indiscernible with time.

Professional Treatments to Remove Acne Scars At Home

The definitive method of treating severely sunken and rough acne scars is through dermatologist-applied treatments. However, to enhance the appearance of the scars between the professional treatments, there are various OTC ingredients and at-home tools available. It is important to get professional treatments in addition to caring for the scar at home because it achieves the best scar diminishing effects in the long run.

Acid Peels

There are some scrubs that can be bought through a store without a prescription that will have mild acids such as glycolic acid or salicylic acid to help remove the outer layers of skin and lessen the appearance of the scar. They help in the rebuilding of collagen within the skin when the products are used for an elongated period. For beginners, it is recommendable to undertake chemical peels once a week and then adjust the frequency depending on the condition of your skin.

Microneedling Tools

Microneedling rollers used at home have very small needles that tear skin once the roller is applied on the skin. The microinjuries initiate wound healing factors, collagen biosynthesis and scar remodeling. Clean the acne-prone skin first and treat the scars with 0.25 to 0.5 mm roller every 7-14 days. It is recommended that the skin should be allowed to heal for 48 hours before another session is done.

Lightening Ingredients

Retinol is also a product that helps fade acne scars, and you can also invest in products that contain lightening ingredients: Niacinamide, azelaic acid, rosehip oil, retinoids, lactic acid, turmeric, AHAs, salicylic acid, and licorice root. Their power to regulate the activity of the pigment producing cells whilst stimulating the skin’s cell regeneration helps to reduce the discoloration related to old acne spots.

Which In-Office Treatment Modalities Are Optimal for Acne Scarring?

Laser peels, intense pulsed light, microdermabrasion, chemical peels, and other resurfacing equipment and chemicals can enhance the outcome of the remodeling of scars. Lasers and fillers injections for enhancing the depressed scars are also available to the dermatologists.

Pro-Grade Microneedling

Like using rollers at home, during the in-office microneedling, we create micro-injuries that will trigger wound healing. But as for the medical grade devices, they employ longer needles which are used to penetrate deeper into the layers of the skin that contains scar tissues. The punctures also facilitate the penetration of special serums with growth factors that strengthen the skin’s healing and regeneration ability.

Chemical Peels

Medical chemical peels involve the use of higher concentrations of acids for a better peel off and collagen production. Trichloroacetic acid (TCA) peels are more effective in the treatment of elevated scarification, particularly acne scars. The acids peel off the scar tissue that has accumulated while stimulating fresh skin and collagen to form the dents.

Resurfacing Lasers

Ablative and fractional CO2 lasers remove the damaged scar tissue progressively in a layer by layer manner. As the precise destruction heals, the undamaged cells of the skin start to renew themselves. The skin’s surface becomes smoother as new skin tissue is produced to fill in the areas where the scar tissue has been removed. It was evident after the reconstructive process that the depth and visibility of the acne scars were significantly diminished.

Dermal Fillers

Other substances such as hyaluronic acid are administered under the indented scars to raise the skin level to the desired height and fill the cavities. The effect of the injection remains for just a certain period after the injection session, which may take between six months to a year. But filler injections can be done in multiple sessions until the scars are sufficiently filled up. Other treatments contribute to continued collagen stimulation for a smoother appearance in the long run.

Radiofrequency Microneedling

This innovative electrified needle stimulates tissue under scars to initiate new collagen formation and tissue remodeling. The radiofrequency energy that is delivered through the tips of such fine needles also helps in the growth of blood vessels. This increased blood flow supplies skin with oxygen and nutrients that help it restore smooth, healthy layers.

How to Prevent Acne Scarring?

Regardless of the type of scars, it is always advisable to avoid formation of a scar especially if it is a skin acne scar. The formation of acne scar is explained by the ability to prevent new lesions from forming in the skin which results in damage that will cause scar formation.Below are some dermatologist recommendations that will help you avoid occurrence of pimples as well as picking.;

Nourishing Oil Cleanser.

Sulfates are aggressively cleansing and removing skin’s necessary oils and interfering with skin’s own protection. A cleanser formulated with oil removes impurities from the pores while preserving nutrients for a soothing skin layer that is not prone to inflammation.

Avoid Picking Pimples

This is dangerous because pressing or popping the pimple leads to the stretch of bacteria, which are forced further into the skin leading to scarring. This enables scabs to form thus preventing the immune system from further attacking or eradicating cells that are infected.

Wear Sunscreen Daily

UV exposure hamper’s wound healing, aggravates marks,discoloration and activates free radicals that destroy skin’s healthy proteins. Daily broad spectrum SPF helps to avoid this photodamage.

By combining these measures, however severe the acne scarring may be, they can be effectively reduced for a smoother skin. Remember, the process takes time and you must be compliant with your dermatologist’s home care regimen and the in office treatments.

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