What To Eat For Glowing And Well Hydrated Skin?

Who would not desire for soft, fair, and moisturized skin? Though topical application of skincare products can be of great benefit, attaining the glow from deep down is the main secret. Dietary rules are an important factor in the skin’s condition, as the body receives necessary moisture and nutrients for its rejuvenation and protection.

Here, you will reveal what foods it is necessary for you to consume to look beautiful and have fabulous clear skin and which foods you should not eat. Know about foods that contain high water content, foods that have Antioxidants and Vitamins and know what nutrient group should be included in the diet for better skin. As you stick to the skin-healthy diet, you can be sure of unearthing your most beautiful, and best youthful skin.

The Best Foods for Boosting Water Retention 

Water is very important to the skin’s health and this is why it should be taken in the right proportions. When skin is dehydrated, it loses elasticity and Hydration and looks less healthy, dry and flaky, and begins to sag. Avoid dryness by consuming more fruits and vegetables that help the skin to retain moisture giving the skin a natural glowing look.


This tasty summer delight is more than 90 percent water, which means it will hydrate your body well. Watermelon contains a lot of potassium and magnesium thus it aids in the body’s ability to retain fluids. Due to its rich water content, it hydrates the skin cells right from the cellular level.


Cucumbers have some of the strongest hydration properties known to man; they are mainly composed of 95% water.The silica present in them also helps in production of collagen thus tightening up the skin. Cucumbers should be taken in the form of slices in salads and other healthy food snacks


With regard to celery, this can also be referred to as the veggies which are full of water and the necessary minerals.. It contains sodium which is helpful for maintaining a balance of fluids for proper hydration. Celery is also rich in water, vitamin K, and potassium which makes the skin less puffy due to the anti-inflammatory properties.


It is a low calorie vegetable, 95% of which is water along with moderate levels of vitamin C and dietary fiber. It helps in the formation of collagen to give skin elasticity and also the water content in it helps to fill up skin making it appear to be in good shape. Use grate in pasta dishes, salads and other recipes that you want to add more zucchini to.


This superfood is composed of 91% water, and it belongs to the leafy green family. This fruit also contains skin beautifying vitamin A, C and lutein. Vitamin A promotes skin cell replacement and collagen synthesis, vitamin C protects skin against damage and spots, and lutein guards against the sun.


Did you know that tomatoes consist of all these volumes at 94% the makeup of water? They also contain lycopene which is a form of antioxidants which protects the skin from UV rays of the sun. This goes a long way to reduce most, if not all, signs of early aging such as wrinkles, age spots, skin loosening and the rest of it.

White Asparagus

The fresh vegetable, asparagus, is packed with nutrients, however, slyly, the white canned asparagus brings in quite a lot of hydration. White asparagus canned must contain about 92% water and is also good for vitamin A, C, E as well as K that enable people to get natural looking skin.Use it drained over salads or incorporate it into soups.

Vitamins containing Food for Skin Replication

Besides, skin requires vitamins to renew and regenerate constantly, in addition to the daily required water intake. Make an effort to consume fruits, vegetables, nuts, and oils that are high in vitamins to stimulate youthful skin cell division and prevent aging free radical injury.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A has the effect of cell regeneration as well as the production of fibroblast cells that make skin tightening collagen. Lack of vitamin A results in skin becoming dry, thick and developing scales on the surface.List of foods containing vitamin A include green and red colored vegetables such as sweet, carrots, kale, spinach and red peppers, mango and yolks of eggs.

Vitamin E

It should be mentioned that Vitamin E performs an antioxidant activity and shields the cell membranes from the free radicals. This also has a role in the skin aging and also is useful in contracting the skin to be more firm and elastic.The following foods are rich in this antioxidant vitamin; sunflower seeds, almonds, spinach, avocado and trout.

 Vitamin B Complex

The B-complex vitamins together with it helps to improve the texture of the skin while facilitating production of melanin. Vitamin B1, B2, B3, vitamin B5 also known as pantothenic and vitamin B7 also known as biotin are essential vitamins important in maintaining skins. Foods that you should take include lean meats including salmon fish, green vegetables, eggs, chicken, and whole grains including quinoa and brown rice.

Vitamin C Powerhouses

Vitamin C is particularly important in collagen formation, skin’s young building-block . It also safeguards the skin against the effects of the ultraviolet rays, decreases the inflammation and also helps in the treatment of other skin ailments including dark spots. Some of the best dietary sources are:Some of them are:

Citrus Fruits

Oranges, limes, lemons, and grapefruits are good sources of vitamin C; taken in the form of juice, used in salads, or placing a few slices in water.

Red Bell Peppers

Interestingly, red bell peppers have twice the vitamin C content per ounce than oranges! It is highest in red bell peppers and the amount increases in different colors of bell peppers as we progress down the list. Peppers are good when roasted, sauté, or used in other recipes or eaten fresh with dip.


These small green fleshy fruits contain more than 200 percent of vitamin C needed in a day and this is contained in one fruit! Kiwis also contain antioxidants such as vitamin E that combats the aging process. Simply slice and enjoy.


You are supposed to take vitamin C, at least 70 to 80 milligrams in a day, well a single guava contains more than 250% of the RDI or recommended dietary intake of vitamin c meaning you get 3 times the necessary intake per a day in one fruit. It also has lycopene and antioxidant compounds as part of its nutritional benefits. This one must be eaten raw, although one could include it in other recipes such as smoothies.


Similar to mango, papaya is another fresh tropical fruit that provides your body with more than 100 percent Daily value of vitamin C as well as vitamin A, so you can try placing a few cubes of it in your yogurt or you can make oats with it and then let it sit in the refrigerator overnight.

Antioxidants protect skin against sun harms

In this regard we can clearly comprehend that the UV radiation from the sun is one of the main culprits responsible for skin issues like sunburn, wrinkles, certain dark patches and skin cancer. Where sunlight can be escaped, protected from by wearing sunscreen lotion, antioxidants work in conjunction with sunscreen by fighting the free radicals from inside the body.
Free radicals are molecules which have unpaired electrons and thus are very active in attacking cells and oxidising them while antioxidants are compounds which can efficiently neutralise the effects of free radicals. This radiation produces an overproduction of free radicals that in turn, harm the skin cells as emitted by the sun. This causes skin aging and DNA damage that may culminate into formation of melanoma in the skin among other effects. Luckily, there are protective antioxidant remedies that occur from specific types of foods which are also incorporated in some of the supplements. It is also important to understand that you have to get your body ready for shielding against these UV radiation through foods containing antioxidants.

List of foods containing antioxidants contain;


One cup of fresh raspberries provides more than 50% of RDA of vitamin C which is important in maintaining a healthy skin and also contains vitamin E that helps protect collagen. Raspberries can be put into the pancake, oatmeal or it can even be used as topping of a salad.


These bite-sized berries are antioxidant powerhouses, loaded with skin-protecting phytonutrients: These small berries these are IR sources of antioxidants that help defend the skin’s external layers against a buffet of plant nutrients:

  •  Anthocyanins: Blueberry’s major nutrients are effective in boosting the collagen levels and alleviating the inflammation states according to the antioxidants.
  •  Vitamin C: Aids collagen formation, fades skin, smooths skin surface
  • Vitamin E: Prevention of further damage from the sunrays, firming, and maintaining moisture on the skin
  •  Phenols: There are properties that fall under the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory category.


A vegetable  that has antioxidants like those found in broccoli can help scrub the skins free of the free radicals that cling to the skin after sun exposure. Flavonoids and some of the other compounds in broccoli that are described as antioxidants like sulforaphane and beta carotene are helpful in anti aging on the skin.


The outer covering of red and purple grapes are incredibly rich in resveratrol which is an anti-aging antioxidant. Grapes too have Vitamin C and anthocyanins, they help in shielding the skin against the harms from UV rays and pollution.


Orange root veggies like carrots are bursting with antioxidants: Some of the vegetables are rich in beta-carotene, lycopene, lutein and zeaxanthin. Together, these antioxidants paved the way for the protection of skin from the shine consequent upon sun exposure besides improving skin color, firmness and texture for fewer lines.

Green Tea

Antioxidants called catechins that are present in green tea improve the skin from inside out. Green tea is an antioxidant that aids in fighting free radical formation hence improving skin firmness as well as skin elasticity, it also offers UV protection which prevents skin that is red, wrinkled and skin that hangs or sags.

What Are The Worst foods To Avoid For Hydrated Skin?

It is not only necessary to consume many foods that are good for the skin but also it is necessary to exclude those foods that can have some negative impact on the skin in one way or another. Avoid these dietary culprits linked to accelerated, problematic aging of skin:Stay away from these foods that have a strong connection to the skin’s early aging:


When a person eats foods that contain sugar it penetrates the collagen fibers and then solidifies and becomes weak.It influences skin’s skin elasticity and causes early formation of wrinkles and sagging. Sugary foods also deprive skin cells of water and accelerate the process of inflammation.

Refined Carbs

Similar to sugar, starchy refined carbohydrates such as white breads, pastries, sodas and other junk foods also cause damage through AGE formation to collagen and elastin which results in early formation of fine lines, wrinkles and loss of firmness.

Processed Meat

Bacon, deli meats, beef jerky and other processed meats contain high levels of advanced glycation end products, or AGEs. These directly break down collagen and elastin, resulting in sagging wrinkled skin. Nitrites that may be used as preservatives are also known to be toxic.

Fried & Fast Foods

Popular junk foods such as French fries, chicken nuggets, pizza, and other fast and fried foods are inflammatory foods. They create free radicals and break down collagen, thus contributing to premature aging such as adult acne, hyper-pigmentation, redness, wrinkling, and lack of luster.


Camping it up on beer, wine and cocktails often over and over again dries up not only your skin cells but your whole body. Alcohol too inflames the skin and oxidises vitamin A, which leads to eye puffiness, acne, broken capillaries and hampers the liver’s ability to expel toxins through the skin.

Secret to great skin

The secret to great skin is therefore to feed and take care of our skin from within to have skin that is clear, healthy, and radiant. Adopt a particular skin diet to eradicate deleterious foods which affect the skin health; encourage intake of vegetables and fruits with antioxidant vitamins and skin hydrating components; support natural nutrient foods. Co-operate the skin-beautifying nutrition plan with some skincare regime that relates to your skin type. In this case, you can get the support from inside and outside and bring out the glowing skin you have never seen before.

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